How to Get Water Out of Microphone

If your microphone falls into the water or gets wet, do not panic! If you’re one of those, whose microphone is felt in water, then today’s guide is for you.

We will discuss the steps on how to get water out of microphone and restore its functionality. This is a common issue that can happen to anyone, but with proper knowledge and guidance, you can easily salvage your microphone.

Here are the 7 best solutions that help you to get water out of the microphone, follow the instructions below:

1. Turn It Off and Disconnect Immediately

The moment your microphone encounters water, the first and most critical action is to turn it off and disconnect it. This step is vital to prevent electrical damage, which is often more fatal to electronics than the water itself. Immediate action can be the difference between a temporary setback and a permanent loss.

  • Immediately power off the microphone to prevent electricity from interacting with the water, which can cause short circuits.
  • Disconnect any cables, and if it’s a wireless microphone, remove the batteries promptly. This halts any electrical activity that could worsen the water damage.
  • Avoid the temptation to turn it back on to check if it works. This could cause further damage to the internal components.

2. Remove Excess Water Gently

Once the microphone is powered down and disconnected, gently shaking it helps remove some of the water. This step is delicate but crucial, as it can prevent water from settling in and causing corrosion or mold growth.

  • Carefully shake the microphone with the grille facing down to encourage water droplets to exit through the openings without pressing deeper into the device.
  • Do this over a soft surface to avoid damaging the microphone if it slips from your hands.
  • Be gentle, as aggressive shaking can dislodge or damage sensitive internal components.

3. Use Absorbent Towels

Absorbent towels or cloths can be used to delicately draw out moisture from the surface and crevices of the microphone. This method is simple yet effective in starting the drying process without introducing heat or pressure, which could cause additional damage.

  • Wrap the microphone in an absorbent towel, softly patting it to soak up water from the exterior.
  • Change towels as they become damp to continue effectively drawing moisture away.
  • Avoid rubbing which can drive water deeper into the microphone or damage its surface.

4. Apply Silica Gel Packets

Silica gel packets are excellent at absorbing moisture from the air and can be particularly effective if placed in a sealed environment with a wet microphone. This method works well for drawing moisture out of the internal components without direct contact.

  • Gather a generous amount of silica gel packets, more than you think you’ll need, to ensure there’s enough absorption capacity.
  • Seal the microphone in an airtight container with these packets. The silica gel will absorb moisture from inside the container, effectively drying out the microphone.
  • Be patient, as this process can take several days. Resist the urge to open the container frequently, as this will introduce new moisture.

5. Use a Vacuum Seal Bag

Creating a vacuum around the microphone can help in drawing out moisture without the need for direct contact or heat. This method is particularly useful when silica gel packets are not available and can be a good way to ensure a dry environment.

  • Place the microphone in a vacuum seal bag, which will limit its exposure to further moisture.
  • Extract as much air as possible, either with a vacuum sealer or by manually pressing out the air before sealing the bag.
  • Leave it sealed for a few days. The reduced air pressure helps in the evaporation of water from the microphone.

6. Let It Air Dry

After taking initial steps to remove moisture, allowing your microphone to air dry in a controlled environment is a natural and gentle method to remove residual dampness. This process is slow but essential for the well-being of your device.

  • Find a warm, dry place with good air circulation but away from direct sunlight or heat sources, which can damage the microphone.
  • Position the microphone so that air can circulate it, ideally in an upright position to allow any trapped moisture to escape.
  • Give it time, as this process can take several days. The key here is patience; rushing this process by using direct heat or sunlight can cause more harm than good.

7. Test It Carefully

After you’ve taken all the above steps and given your microphone ample time to dry, it’s time to see if your efforts have paid off. Testing should be done cautiously to avoid causing damage if any moisture remains.

  • Reassemble and reconnect the microphone carefully, ensuring everything is dry.
  • Start with low volume and minimal power settings to reduce the risk of damage.
  • Listen for any distortion or unusual sounds, which might indicate that the microphone still has some moisture or has been damaged.


Hope this guide helps you to get water out of the microphone.

Remember, immediate and proper action is crucial in saving your device from permanent damage. With the right knowledge and steps, you can restore your microphone’s functionality and continue using it with confidence.

After following all of those steps perfectly, you can make sure that you get the water out of your microphone and now it is all set to work like before.

But by mistake, if the solution above doesn’t work, take your microphone to a professional and seek their assistance. They have the expertise and tools to handle more severe water damage cases.

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